Since its beginning in 1974 as a small group of specialists in a previously unknown discipline, ACM SIGGRAPH has evolved to become an international community of researchers, artists, developers, filmmakers, scientists, and business professionals who share an interest in computer graphics and interactive techniques.
A special interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the world’s first and largest computing society, ACM SIGGRAPH offers a diverse menu of programs and services for its members and the computer graphics community.
About BIS
Business & Innovation Symposium is an enabling platform for innovation and collaboration among visionary leaders, industrial frontiers, world-class researchers, investors and entrepreneurs to co-create the next generation industries landscape.
With a population of more than 4.4 billion, Asia-Pacific is the largest market in the world. And with SIGGRAPH Asia beingone of the global leading innovation communities, BIS comes in as the perfect platform.
Furthermore, to ignite the innovative blazing fire, and to create anAsia-Pacific giant economic system which would be similar, or greater than theHollywood & Silicon Valley market scales in North America, BIS will be expected to connectthe academy, technology and art professionals in the SIGGRAPH Asia communitywith market trends, business mindset, business models and capital.Therefore,raising thehuman innovation and evolutional civilization.

Michael Liang
Panel | 5G, Trillion-Dollar Opportunities and You
For more than four decades, great minds and talents from the SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Community has been inspiring and innovating dozens of industries. In the upcoming 5G space, massive real-time interactions will be everywhere from human to human, human to machine, machine to machine, and after all, from intelligence to intelligence. As a result, the challenge to develop creative content and killer-applications, to fully utilize 5G potential, will be unprecedented. Telecom industry cannot do it alone, that’s nature battlefield for the SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia Community, and the golden opportunity for all of us.
Come and outlook the landscape go 5G mega-trends, get inspiration and meet friends to make your fortune come true, together and greater!
Panel | Grow with 3D Ecosystems
Have you imagined working with an entire team of talents whom you cannot afford to hire, use technology resources you do not own, get channels and user base too costly to acquire alone and grow your business at an incredible speed that never happened before.By leveraging on strategic partnerships, we can reduce R&D expenditures, extend capabilities and services offerings, speed up market-to-market, penetrate new territories, acquire user and channels, pump in revenue streams, get capital funding, right and healthy.
Our panelists will share their stunning perspectives on open standards in e-commerce and advertisement, robot vision in smart manufacturing, massive transaction in digital asset market. To develop and fully utilize partnership with 3D ecosystems, find your path to succeed and connect directly with leaders from resourceful eco-systems.
Panel | Monetizing Digital Human
New business opportunities in global media & entertainment industries has been recreated by cutting-edge real-time production technics and artificial intelligent. These trends also brought up the rise of “Virtual Beings”, which will have the dramatic population size as compared to human beings in the near future.
Thriving artists, engineers and business people have created thousands of digital copies of physical or human-like consciousness with sophisticated digital solutions, to perform duties with different appearances in immersive media across industries: video streaming, live concert, gaming, movie, animation, sport, e-commerce, public relations, brand representatives, training and education, companion robots, virtual pets, health care, defense, manufacture, retail, home and other customer services.
This session will discover how you can monetize digital human and character. Our panelists will share their insights on market trends, real stories of tactical deployment and new possibilities and services which may act as potential revenue streams.